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JoyOS introduction Screen: "An OS designed with you in mind. JoyO(u)S promotes mindful and meaningful interactions through more thoughtful and kind experiences.
Team Members: Cindy, Judy, Kayla, Kristine, Ruolin, Steven
Software: Figma

Improving our phone relationships-
How might young adults improve their engagement with mobile devices so that it promotes mindfulness and meaningful interactions?


The objective of JoyOS is to create an OS that tackles phone addictions and mindlessly using one’s phone. By introducing applications that does not have addicting and confusing interfaces, we encourage users to form a more meaningful relationship on their phone- they are on their phone when they need to be.

Final Result

My role:
Co-designed notes and calendar app
Provided feedback for other apps
Conducted introductory research
We decided to include a Notes app into our OS because of how this app can be used to benefit one’s mental health.
Notes Landing Screen
Notes Daily Reflection ScreenNotes Folders ScreenNotes To Do List Screen
With the Notes app, one can reflect and declutter their mind with the ‘Daily Reflections’, keep track of important tasks with ‘To-Do Lists’, and organize their thoughts with the ‘Folders’ feature.
We decided to incorporate a Calendar app into our OS because of how this app can be used to benefit one’s relationship with mindfulness.
Calendar Dashboard Screen
We decided to include countdown timers and upcoming events so users see events that they are looking forward when they first open the app.
We integrated a system that puts in desired mindful activities into the user’s calendar to help them build mindful habits.
Calender Mindfulness Activity Survey Screen 1Calendar Mindfulness Activity Survey Screen  2
Calendar View Screen 1Calendar Agenda Screen
Other calendar screens


Chad's persona. His pain points are: resisting nudges to check phone, spending too much time distracted on phone, seperating work related content with personal contentBethany's Persona. Her pain points are: anxiety and feelings of inadequacy from checking social media too much, spending less time socializing in real life versus online, spending more time on her phone than on homework.
6 interviews: 3 surveys



Phones are easy to use, have many useful functions, and help users communicate with others.


There are so many outlet users can spend time on, and it’s easy to get suck into using apps to kill time.


A more mindful relationship would be a better balance of time on your phone, and time away from your phone.

My Process

Low Fidelty

Notes Low Fidelity Folder Screen
Toggle between list and grid view
Show number of notes per folder
Notes Low Fidelity To Do List Screen
Turn format into a checklist so users feel fulfillment after checking something off list
Confusing format
Notes Low Fidelity Daily Reflection Screen
Show process of creating new note and choosing a template

Mid Fidelity

Notes Mid Fidelity Dashboard Screen
Consistent status bar
Notes Mid Fidelity Folders Screen
Add a way to get to folders screen
Add customization to the folders
Notes Mid Fidelity Daily Reflection Screen
Use color with intention since users will unconcsiously associate color with features
Notes Mid Fidelity To Do List Screen
Larger icons (very clustered)
Notes Mid Fidelity To Do Task Creation ScreenNotes Mid Fidelity Add Screen


Notes Final Home ScreenNotes Final Folders ScreenNotes Final Favorites ScreenNotes Final Daily Reflection Screens
Notes Final Add ScreenNotes Final  To Do ListNotes Final  To Do Task Creation


Low Fidelity

Calendar Low Fidelity Dashboard Screen
Include reminder for important events
Calendar Low Fidelity Adding Screen
Use Google Calendar for inspiration for implementing a schedule-based mindful activity
Get rid of goals, health app already includes a goal tracker
Calendar Low Fidelity View ScreenCalendar Low Fidelity Specific Calendar Event Screen

Mid Fidelity

Calendar Mid Fidelity View Screen
Create an agenda that would show different views: daily/weekly/ etc.
Make dashboard the first page since it is a rundown of the day
Calendar Mid Fidelity Dashboard Screen
Change the name from ‘dashboard’ since it’s not really fitting
Add graphics to make the app more interesting
Calendar Mid Fidelity Adding ScreenCalendar Mid Fidelity Specific Calendar Event Screen
Calendar Mid Fidelity Countdowns Screen
Get rid of custom countdown page because it's unnecessary
Calendar Mid Fidelity Create Countdown: Choosing Date ScreenCalendar Mid Fidelity Create Countdown Screen
Calendar Mid Fidelity Mindful Activity Screen
Make themindful activity survey more interesting and engaging


Final Dashboard ScreenFinal Agenda ScreenFinal Calendar View Screen
Final Mindful Activity Survey ScreenFinal Mindful Activity Survey Screen 2


Key Takeaways


In today’s world, a lot of people have an unhealthy relationship with their phones. However, we agreed that ‘staying off your phones’ isn’t a solution to this problem. In order to combat with the rising problem of phone addiction, it is important to create an environment, or OS in this case, that would foster its users to have a  more meaningful relationship with their phone. To elaborate upon this idea, this OS would encourage its users to use their devices with purpose- no meaningless scrolling or blankly opening the same 3 apps over and over again. This OS would also focus on incorporating features that users can use to improve their mental health.


This was the first time I worked with other designers on a project with no design lead. It was interesting and quite beneficial, however it was challenging due to how different designers had different ideas of how an app should look like or include. Since there is no design lead, as a team we had to agree on which features and design decisions should be included.

Lessons Learned

I have learned many design basics during the course of this project- such as color consistency and purpose. I also learned much more about Figma and the features it provides. A key lesson is to explore the apps I use more and be more design conscious of the decisions they made. Many apps include features to combat phone addiction and resources for people’s mental health that I did not know about previously. Also a lot of these apps also uses design decisions that keep users longer on their app. It is critical to understand these so I could reference them in future design projects and be more mindful of my behavior when I use my devices.

( ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ) More UX work  ⋆  ₊ ˚ ⊹ ♡

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